A conversation about AI that Alexa heard

Zuckerberg Sucks! — Short story

Tricia Small
Excerpts of a life
2 min readAug 9, 2023


Image of a laundry room using graphics

“Yea, but isn’t it part of the human psyche to just fear loss in general?” I reach into the washing machine and pull a pair of leggings.

“How do you mean? Like, loss of life?” He takes the leggings and start arranging them on the laundry line.

“Yea, loss of life, loss of jobs, loss of friends and relationships — It’s like we’re wired to fear loss,” I reach in, this time handing him a red shirt.

“So you’re not afraid of what AI will do to humanity? Cuz if that’s what you’re saying, that’s wild!” With one eyebrow raised he takes the shirt.

“Ok, hear me out, ai is going to change things. That’s a fact, but just like technologies in the past the change will include making life easier. I hate dishes, you hate laundry. Imagine a world where a robot or a household appliance can empty and load the dishwasher and fold the clothes after washing?”

“So you think that would be enough to make us not care about everything else ai does to humanity?”

“Well, I’m not saying that, exactly. What I am saying is, as a human race we’re a bunch of sellouts when life is easier. Look at slavery, that was supposed to be an advancement, like the laundry and dishes getting sorted. We didn’t think about the human rights infringements because the advancement made lives easier. We were like, these aren’t even humans, just do my laundry please, thanks! Oh and raise these kids and satisfy my husband and pick the cotton all day. We don’t have a very good record of protecting human rights in general. That’s all I’m saying.”

We gather up the laundry baskets and walk towards the kitchen.

“This conversation is getting crazy, you can’t just say that people enslaved people because life got more comfortable. I don’t care how nice not folding clothes and doing dishes will be if my identity gets used and abused and I can’t protect myself. You know how slow the government is with technology. Zuck made a fool out of them and they didn’t even know. These old dudes just sat there going ‘Erm, are you taking advantage of people Mark? cuz, if you are, you’re in trouble cuz that’s bad and I’ll slap the shit out of your wrist!’

The room erupts with laughter because that really was a great old politician impression. Amla loves Joe, he is always able to make her laugh right at the point where she’s going too deep in her reflections. He lets the extra air of tension dissipate before walking over and holding her. Rocking her slowly to the silent music between them this moment explains how they’ve remained lovers for 10 years.



Tricia Small
Excerpts of a life

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!