Cryptocurrency and Capital Market Prediction in 2021

FAB Info
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2020
  1. Cryptocurrency market cap will surpass two trillion US dollars, the foundation of the new value system will have been successfully established. The cryptocurrency revolution has decisively set its sail, and global capital will set off a stormy migration from fiat value system to the blockchain value system (we call it the stage of value transition), the journey will be lasting more than ten years, the assets movement will involve a total of over 200 trillion US dollars, the maximum may exceed 500 trillion US dollars.
  2. Blockchain based virtual countries are initially enlightened. In the stage of value transition, the blockchain revolution will destroy the traditional value system and promote the leap of human society to a higher-level freedom with features of the new value, new economy for the coming hundreds or thousands of years;
  3. Bitcoin price will hit 60,000 US dollars or more, with the probability of exceeding 100,000 US dollars, the highest may reach around 280,000 US dollars. It will essentially become the future global reserve currency and will start a decade-long journey to completely replace gold;
  4. Well developed alter tokens are going to gallop, some of them their price may increase thousands even tens of thousands times. Cryptocurrency market is showing an extremely crazy scene;
  5. FOMO psychological panic at the sovereign state and national level may occur, and there may be disputes between countries involving cryptocurrencies;
  6. Large funds no longer hesitate, but quietly rush into the cryptocurrency market;
  7. Centralized exchanges and holders of large quantity major cryptocurrency will be targeted in the hunting and plundering of cryptocurrency in some countries;
  8. Some countries will launch new policies or regulations in an attempt to control financial risks and suppress market frenzy;
  9. The global economy is recovering strongly in the second half of the year, and the U.S. stock market repeatedly set new highs, but compared with cryptocurrencies, it is much inferior;
  10. Blockchain and cryptocurrency based industries such as decentralized supply-chain will be debuted, the new economic models rooted in the fertile soil of new value system emerge.

Paul Liu
FAB Foundation
Exchangily decentralized exchange (

Learn more:
FAB (FAB) — A well designed and developed high-performance public blockchain with an array of major technological innovations based on Bitcoin to meet the needs of enterprise-level large-scale applications. On this basis of FAB, some high-performance applications have been developed such as decentralization crypto exchange (eXchangily) and decentralized supply chain e-commerce platform (eComBar). Exchangily has been put into production, the eComBar will be put into operation in January 2021 as the world’s first decentralized e-commerce platform.
FAB, the public blockchain currency as rewards of mining, designed total supply of 76 millions and current total circulation of 48 millions in market, which is with extremely high investment value from its nature.

Exchangily — The world’s leading decentralized exchange, supporting Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Fabcoin (FAB), Dogecoin (DOGE) trading in decentralized way, investors will always have the control of their own assets, without the need to hand over assets to the exchange or third party for custody, completely eliminating risks in cryptocurrency exchanging.
Exchangily platform token EXG, sharing exchange transaction fee, has strong potential for investment.

