eXchangily DEX Listing Application Start

Exchangily Info
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2019

eXchangily decentralized exchange, the first new-generation decentralized exchange that truly realizes high-speed cross-chain, now officially launched the global blockchain project on June 1st!

5 highlights of eXchangily:

1) 100% truly decentralized exchanges, investors control and manage their own digital assets, safe and secure, open source and transparent.

2) High-speed trading performance and good user experience.

3) Achieving cross-chaining is a disruptive breakthrough decentralized exchanges.

4) Legal compliance, US FINRA and SEC registered.

5) 100% of the daily profit of the exchange is distributed to the holders. Every 24 hours, it is better than any digital currency exchange and traditional financial institutions on the market.

Listing your project now: https://forms.gle/HoqdhZuAqKVE64jbA

The world’s high-performance blockchain projects are the first to be considered to be the first batch of the first round eXchangily coin listing, and win millions of dividends. eXchanigly lawyers and professional evaluators will carefully review the first batch of projects one by one.

For the application of the coin listing, please send an email: info@exchangily.com

Wechat Official Account: eXchangily

Twitter: Exchangily Info

Facebook: Exchangily Info

Telegram Community: http://t.me/exchangily_chat

Visit www.eXchangily.com for more information and review eXchangily white paper.

eXchangily registration and Purchase: https://exchangily.com/login/signup

