Are You Ready for Your Next Leap of Faith?

There’s nothing wrong with you.

Recovering from Religion


Image by John Hain on Pixabay

Submitted by Shawn Helgerson (

Are you leaving your religion? That’s a good thing. There’s nothing wrong with you. In fact, one could say it’s an excellent sign that you’re growing.

I want you to think back for a moment. Can you remember your first day of school? I remember mine. I’m old enough that I wore polyester, double-knit, reversible bell-bottom plaid slacks, and a wide butterfly collar. I was so nervous.

My parents had been divorced for a little more than a year and I hadn’t seen my mother in quite a while. My father was still part of my grandfather’s fundamentalist church and my mother was living in sin with her boyfriend (my father’s former best friend). Until they either got married or split up, my father wouldn’t permit her to see my sister and me. Plus, my father had moved back to his hometown to stay with my aunt while he figured out what he was going to do.

On my first day of school, I left the house with my two older cousins and my sister. No one was there to send me off. I feel like I must have gotten a kiss on the forehead from my aunt, but my father was already at work. My cousins and sister were first and second graders so they already had friends and…



Recovering from Religion

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