Atheists Must Stop Using the Word Religion

We need to change how we discuss Christianity in public.

David Weis


Image Courtesy of x1klima at Flickr.

With the brewing threat of Christian nationalism, and its infiltration into high political office, we may need to take a different strategy to undermine their radical efforts. We need to change the word we so often use to describe various systems of faith. Religion. This change begs the question, if we aren’t using the word religion when referencing Christianity, then what should we call it instead?


My answer is simple. We use a word suitable for describing numerous dead or dying religions. Mythology. Due to the popularization of Thor in the Marvel universe along with hit TV shows like Vikings, Norse mythology might be the best example that people can relate to when they think about mythologies today. Some people might be surprised to learn that Norse mythology is also a religion but relegated to mythology because of its defunct status, aside from a few stragglers in Nordic countries.

Like Norse religion, Christianity is both a religion and mythology. The mythology of Christianity consists of the body of tales that make up the texts in The Bible. These myths paved the way for Catholicism and all branching denominations that followed.



David Weis

Atheist/Anti-Theist/Liberal/Humanist | Love cinema | Love technology | Interested in history, philosophy, epistemology | Writing a mini-series.