Can Religions Be Objectively Disproved?

Faith-based hypotheses we can actually test

Joe Omundson


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

There is a popular idea that science and spirituality are two equally valid, but independently-operating, domains of knowledge.

Spirituality deals with the questions that science cannot begin to answer and vice versa.

Does our universe have a spiritual dimension? If it does, science has not been able to measure it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t there; it just means we don’t have objective evidence for it at this point. Surely, there are a great many realities yet undiscovered by science.

Spirituality seeks to answer unsolvable mysteries. It deals with our personal relationship with existence. It also addresses certain philosophical and moral questions where science doesn’t have much input.

There are also questions science can answer that spirituality cannot. All the prayer in the world isn’t going to give you an understanding of electricity, thermodynamics, or optics. It’s only because these scientific principles were discovered that you have the technology in your hands to read this article right now.

It might seem reasonable to expect, then, that these are two sides of the same coin; the natural and the supernatural work together to create the sum of the reality we live in. Both…

