Coming Out as Atheist: Do It YOUR Way

Sometimes, people don’t need to know right away

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Submitted by James Fielding

There is one thing that I find particularly interesting about people who have recently left behind their religious beliefs. There seems to be this battle about how and when to “come out” about being an atheist. I am here to say from personal experience that there isn’t one right way to accomplish it. I myself am not even 100% out to everyone for various reasons. Some people get the privilege of knowing and others are just left guessing.

I take a very similar approach to this in my personal life regarding my sexuality. My partner and I have been together for 9 years but there are some people who think I just haven’t found the right girl yet and just have a very long term roommate that has relocated around the country with me six times. People believe what they want to believe and I don’t see any reason to set the record straight. No pun intended.

Before I decide who to talk to about my lack of belief, there are a series of questions and considerations I go through. Based on my conclusions, I then choose if and how I want to broach the subject.

Why Do They Need to Know?



Recovering from Religion

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