Dear Sister: I am an Atheist

Recovering from Religion
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2019


Photo courtesy NASA/EPIC | Public domain

Submitted by Ted Tucker

Dear Sister,

I may not have been clear in my last email so let me be clear now. I am an atheist. I know of no evidence to believe that there is anything supernatural. I believe that humans created all of the gods of the past, and that humans have created the thousands of deities that are currently worshiped today, including the God of Abraham.

I have struggled my entire life with faith; faith defined as belief without evidence. Although I have tried, I simply can’t resolve it in my mind. I don’t seem neurologically wired for faith. I am a skeptic and have always been skeptical of faith claims. I have always been driven in the search for truth and I care very strongly about what is true. I want to understand as much as I can of what is known about the fundamental structure of the universe. I want to understand the processes that allow for complex systems to emerge from simple systems, and how it is that we have evolved our cognitive ability to explore such questions.

The philosophy that I studied in college helped me with reasoning skills, helped me form questions, but did not provide answers to these questions. The Catholic religion that I was raised with provided unreasonable explanations to these questions. This is a religion rooted in the oral traditions and Iron Age writings, of…



Recovering from Religion

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