Divorce is NOT Wrong.

It helped me escape from hell

Kristina Callaway


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I’ve always known you couldn’t make me happy
I’ve always accepted that was my job to fulfill
But I’ve just realized something
You have every ability to make me sad.
Tell me what is wrong with this picture?

I wrote this poem for my first husband, during a moment that felt like an epiphany. During the entire six years of our marriage, I was horribly depressed. At the time I didn’t think I was suicidal, but I might have been. There was a road along the side of a cliff that I would drive on to pick up my husband from work. I would think about swerving the car.

It felt like a weird contrary pull to the side of the road. I could picture it in my head, the car doing a nose dive off the edge of the cliff. A graceful downward curving trajectory to the ocean crashing against the rocks below. I would feel a moment of panic, and then… nothing.

Saved by sarcasm

Then an inner voice would tell me, Yup. And then you’d wake up in the hospital, you frigging idiot. Surrounded by your friends and family. They’ll all be crowing over you.

“Kristi, why didn’t you tell us? Talk to us?!”



Kristina Callaway

Artist, mother, and seeker of unique places and experiences.