Do Christians Really Believe the Bible?

Or are most of them just plain atheists and do not realize it?

Tim Zeak
9 min readMay 4, 2021


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Karen Armstrong begins her 1994 New York Times bestselling book The History of God with this sentence: “In the beginning, human beings created a god who was the first cause of all things and ruler of heaven and earth.” Ever since, those human beings continue to modify and mold that god (which became thousands of different gods) to their liking and needs.

It is frankly undeniable that most members of most religions and cults have done the same. This article will deal only with “Bible-believing” Christians, since that was what I was for several decades of my life. However, similar observations would be true for other religions and cults.

There is a profound truism in the cliché that “what you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear a word you say.” Another one is “words are cheap.” The book of James states, “faith without works is dead,” and maybe the best of all is an alleged quote by Jesus Himself, “you shall know them by their fruit.”

This article will examine three distinct areas that overwhelmingly prove that most confessing Christians deny their faith by their actions and conduct. These go far beyond the fact that no one is perfect and that we all are hypocrites from time to time. I am talking about three areas that if what Christians say they believe… if they really did believe what they say they do… their actions in all three areas would be drastically different.

To avoid confusion, the definition of an atheist is not someone who claims there is no god, but merely those who do not see viable evidence to believe in one. We simply refuse to accept contradictory and erroneous scripture or the interpretation of someone’s emotional experience. After all, thousands of fake gods have come and gone who had numerous devoted followers. Just look at all the magnificent temples and monuments built for many of them, and the thousands of miraculous stories told about their mighty deeds.

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A simple question:

Is there any difference between those who admit with words that they do not believe, and those who “admit” they do not believe by their actions, despite their words to the contrary? If a man says he loves his wife but then hits her when she tries to leave him, do his words mean anything at all?

Most people create their own god, at least in part, by their various and changing interpretations that are subjectively twisted and rationalized to fit their own personal desire and philosophy. Thus, their will, becomes God’s will, rather than vice versa. The thousands of Christian denominations show just how broadly the Bible can be utilized.

Originally, the fear of the unknown created the need for protection, while the fear of dying created the need for life after death. When their prayers and sacrifices did no good, the need to have a god with a master plan, even if it was mysterious, was ushered into existence. Then the molding began in earnest.

An example of humans molding their god is that they can easily make sure that their god permits or forbids dancing, drinking, smoking, going to the movies, being gay, gambling, fighting against immigrants, or even owning slaves and submissive wives. In fact, as strange as it may be, their god will usually hate their enemies more than they do. You want to invade Iraq? Just pray and eventually your god will come around…even though thousands of women, children and innocent men would be killed.

1. Except for hard-core evangelical and fundamentalists, most “Christians” do not believe any of the following, even though each one is clearly declared as being true in the Bible. While it is good that most of them do not believe the following, it makes little sense if they continue to claim that their Bible is “the good book from a perfect and loving God.” Any book with any mistakes or errors, by definition, is not infallible. Nor could it be authored by a perfect and loving god. To believe any of the following, shows how faulty relying on “faith” is.

The sun and moon stood still (so that Joshua was able to finish a genocide).

The earth was created before the stars.

Two and a half million slaves outran the Egyptian army which was chasing them on horses and chariots. If they were eight abreast, it would have required a line over 200 miles long.

God was acting morally when He declared that a young virgin who was raped would be required to marry her rapist upon him paying her father 50 shekels of silver. See Deuteronomy 22:28–29.

God was acting morally when He murdered thousands…maybe millions… of innocent babies and animals in a worldwide flood after He admitted that His first plan for His creation did not work out.

The cure for leprosy is smearing the blood of birds on the walls of a house. See Leviticus 14:49–53.

God was acting morally when He decreed the law about owning and beating slaves. See Exodus 21:1–6, Exodus 21:20–21 and Deuteronomy 21:10–13.

Angels have the same DNA as humans, as they had intercourse together and made baby giants. See Genesis 6:4.

Rain and snow are released through windows in the sky (which is the floor of God’s dwelling place).

There are literally dozens more examples from the Bible that can easily be inserted here. If it contains any mistakes…it is by definition, not infallible.

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2. The following are a few examples of a different sort proving that most “Christians” do not believe that the Bible is really the infallible word of God…or at least, not worthy to be obeyed, not even a little bit.

Again, notwithstanding that no one is perfect, and we all are hypocrites, if the Bible is truly God’s word, and if as the Bible declares, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever…He never changes nor does He ever repent (changes His mind) should we not see most, rather than almost none of them, making at least some real and diligent attempt to practice the following commands?

Jesus said in Mark 10:21, Luke 18:22 and other places to sell everything you own and give it to the poor. After all, Mark 10:29–30 promises a 100-fold increase…in this life and the next. What reasonable person would refuse this deal if they really believed that it was true, especially when He warned in Matthew 19:23 that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich one to enter heaven? How many “Christians” really believe those are true? Let us not forget that Matthew 25:34–46 teaches that heaven is obtained only by helping the poor and needy and without doing those things one is eternally condemned.

Turn the other cheek. That means no revenge or even self-defense.

Do not judge (Matthew 7:2 says we will be judged according to how we judge others.)

Cut off your hand or pluck out your eyes if they cause temptation. See Matthew 5:27–30 and 18:8–9. Yet more porn is watched in the Bible belt than in San Francisco.

Never divorce, at least for anything other than adultery.

Do not worry about tomorrow. Why would anyone worry about anything if Matthew 6:25–34 or John 14:13–14 or Luke 12:6–7 were really believed to be true?

Pray without ceasing. (mindfulness)

Obey and respect your leaders and not slander or lie about them. In fact, do not slander or lie about anyone.

Love your neighbor as yourselves. The story of the good Samaritan is about helping a “foreigner”…as in immigrants.

Isaiah 54:17 and Matthew 6:25–34, if believed, would eliminate their need for guns. Turn the other cheek. Was Jesus crazy?

Finally, anyone who truly believes the Bible and its teaching about an eternal hell fire for those who do not believe, would spend 24/7 pleading with not only their loved ones, but also every single stranger they cross paths with.

And even more important than any of the above, they would never, ever have children if there was even the slightest chance of that child spending an eternity in hell, especially since scripture and observation make it clear that that would include most of them.

The utter casualness or lukewarmness about any of those speaks so loudly, that it shows that they really are not believed. It is either all or nothing. Either everything is true, or no one can determine which is and which is not. It certainly is no longer infallible.

3. Several other noteworthy things about Christians and their Bible:

Very few have even read it from cover to cover. If you genuinely believed that an all-powerful creator of the universe wrote you a letter, would you just let it gather dust? Would you not passionately devour it like you would a letter from a lover or loved one? Would you just ignore it as being unimportant?

Studies show that atheists have read and studied the Bible more than Christians. I myself have read it from cover to cover over a dozen times. That is why we score higher on Biblical quizzes according to several studies. It is also a major reason for people leaving Christianity. The childhood indoctrination that allows a continual faith in the Bible with its hundreds of contradictions and utter immoralities (genocides, rapes, murder, the flood, eternal hell fire, etc), is the same indoctrination that somehow permits some to view themselves as one of God’s special and chosen children who is thinking about them at all times…even while the rest of the world is going to “hell in a handbasket.”

Another example of how little Christians study and know their Bible is the fact that most Christians believe that the Ten Commandments they write on plaques and try to place in schools are actually the real ones that the Bible says they are. Except the list from Exodus 20 that they think are the real ones is not. The list the Bible actually calls the Ten Commandments is found in Exodus 34. Read it if you do not believe me. Just one of the official Ten is “You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.”

If a man says he loves his wife but then kills her because she tried to leave him, did he really love her? If a god says he loves you but will torture you for an endless eternity if you do not love him back, is that really love? Yet, most “Christians” claim that their faith is based on love. Words are completely meaningless…actions are what proves what you really believe.

Would you like a solution to this madness? How about requiring solid evidence for anything you believe and, in the meantime, join us humanists. In fact, you can still believe if you wish. All that most atheists want to do is alleviate as much suffering and hardship as possible…to protect children with healthcare and safe housing with equal rights and good education for all. Most atheists are humanists first…we believe in the brotherhood of all people. We clearly understand that we are all one family, and yes, we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.

If your children were starving, would you rather have a thousand preachers praying for them, or just one unbelieving person bring them food? It really seems that the “God concept” is much more of a wish or hope than an actual belief.

A final thought: While many reports indicate that there are over two billion Christians in the world today, if actions are what counts, that number would drop to a very small fraction.

For further study, check out other Bible teachings and related topics on my blog at I try to post a new article every month.



Tim Zeak

Formerly an evangelical who read the Bible from cover to cover a dozen times and finally was able to shake my childhood indoctrination of hell fire & brimstone.