Everyone Has an A$$hole, But You Don’t Have to Be One

How not to be a secular a$$hole, an RfRx Talk with Rebecca Williams LMFT

Recovering from Religion


Submitted by Jenna Chiles

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I’ve worked customer service for many years, and I’ve noticed some of the best and worst customers I’ve had also worked customer service — some even did the same job I do. There are the super nice ones who are always understanding when you’re busy or are out of the product they wanted at the time. I’ll call these people Pats. Pats typically tip well and get to know you. Then there are the other ones — I’ll call them Jeans. Jeans want you to make them something off the menu. They get psychotic if their favorite thing is out of stock or got discontinued. Even if you’re busy, Jeans will try to butt the line to get their nonsense order first because they used to do this job too. Jeans are the fucking worst.

The thing that always boggles my mind about Jeans is that they should know better. They’ve been in my shoes, presumably, and should know what a pain in the ass they are being. Just because they don’t have to do my job anymore doesn’t give them the right to shit all over me and my coworkers. Jeans are the kind of customers that make me want to suddenly need to go to the bathroom for about 15 minutes just to avoid them.



Recovering from Religion

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