From Mormon to Agnostic: Becoming “Human Again”

Recovering from Religion
Published in
8 min readOct 19, 2018


Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

This story was submitted anonymously

I’m a big Disney music fan. In the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast, there’s a song called “Human Again,” in which the characters sing about their dream of changing from household objects back into real people.

I love that song because it describes my journey, a journey of learning to feel again — of going from a mental prison of Mormon guilt to freedom and new life as an agnostic/atheist. This is my story.


I grew up in a devout, ultra-conservative Mormon family, in California. Religion pervaded every aspect of our lives: three hours at church each Sunday; daily family scripture study and prayers at home; and church activities throughout the week. Beyond that, religion was part of nearly every interaction and conversation in our home.

“The gospel” was the reason for all our happiness. Happiness came not from doing things that felt good, but rather from knowing that by your actions, you were being obedient to God.

God’s existence was certain, Joseph Smith (Mormonism’s founder) was God’s chosen prophet, and we were in the “one, true church.” What a blessing!

While this actually did give us a very real sense of wellbeing, it also came with a lot of…



Recovering from Religion

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