God’s Morbid Plan for Unvaccinated Christians

Recovering from Religion
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2021


A row of cross-shaped tombstones, the closest of which has an American flag at its base
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

My uncle Matt recently died of COVID. He was unvaccinated and in his mid-60s. When his symptoms got severe, he turned first to Ivermectin, then to the hospital, where he struggled to breathe for two weeks and ultimately died.

We weren’t particularly close, but it was still a shock to learn that he didn’t make it.

I attended the memorial service. The pastor of Matt’s church delivered the first sermon I’d heard in 13 years.

“We prayed and prayed without ceasing.

God answered — and took him home.”

A week before Matt died, the pastor had promised his family that God wasn’t done with him and still had plans for his life.

Now he was telling a different story.

You can probably picture him up on the stage, with his suave hairstyle, cheesy smile, and crisp inhales.

“One of Matt’s favorite topics to talk about was God’s sovereignty. And even though we prayed around the clock for Matt’s healing, God had a better plan.”

When Matt was still alive, the pastor was all about having faith in the power of prayer. God was mercy and…



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