Happy Humanist Haikus

Steve Ghikadis
Apr 24, 2024


I appreciate all the love my stories are getting!

I try to add humour, heart and harsh reality…and I’m happy to hear that readers are making their own personal connections.

Here is a collection of haikus I wrote that I hope you enjoy!


Kids are kind at birth

Let us not take that away

They teach us to love


We’re only human

All we have is each other

Let us get along


Of myth and legend

Our stories are made true

Except they are not


No gods or masters

Our experience holds true

Natural forces


Our kindness blossoms

Our reason cradles our thoughts

Our openness shared

Please accept my sincere thanks for reading and know that your encouragement keeps me going!

Best regards,

Steve Ghikadis



Steve Ghikadis

Secular Humanist, married to a Christian…raising freethinkers. Let’s find ways to work together! All we have is each other ❤️