Here are 7 Proofs of Evolution

A gift from me to you. :-)

Rory Cockshaw


You weren’t there, so how can you know?” they ask.

Imagine you’re walking through a forest. You come across a tree lying, charred, almost flat against the floor. At the base of the trunk is an almighty split, revealing the innards of the tree. It’s all splintered and broken. Ask yourself: did the tree grow like this? Or was it toppled by a lightning strike?

You weren’t there — nobody was — so how can you possibly know?

The answer is simple:


Evolution is perhaps the best-attested theory in all of science. Evolution is both fact AND theory. There is the fact of evolution: that organisms do change and have always changed over time, as evidenced by both the geological record and modern-day natural observations and lab experiments. And then there is the theory of evolution: how these changes took place at all. These are not to be confused.

“Evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty.” — Stephen Jay Gould



Rory Cockshaw

I write about science, philosophy, and society. Occasionally whatever else takes my fancy. Student @ University of Cambridge, Yale Bioethics alum.