How the Secular Therapy Project Helped Me Change My Life

Learning to process emotions and be vulnerable

Recovering from Religion


Image by Josephine Wall.

Submitted by Amara

Let’s face it. We all could use a little therapy. Childhood trauma sounds like it should be devastating, but sometimes it can be disguised as what everyone thinks is a normal upbringing. A person doesn’t have to endure physical abuse to end up with mental scars from childhood that have an effect on our daily lives.

There’s also the emotional toll interpersonal relationships impose on us throughout the years. Each encounter can be a lesson on how to behave with other people. Sometimes, the lessons are helpful. Other times, well… those encounters are how we all end up with coping mechanisms that are more detrimental to our mental health than they are helpful.

You might be wondering why I’m spouting this depressing drivel. Well, after 27 years on this planet, I decided to go to therapy and had to face a lot more than I ever expected. Three years later, I would like to share my journey and some of the things I have learned.

How I got here

My biological father chose not to take part in my life. He had his reasons.

Meaning, his wife and his two other children had no idea I existed.



Recovering from Religion

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