I Came out as Gay to My Church

Recovering from Religion
Published in
8 min readApr 10, 2022


Submitted by Justin Farmer

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

You know,

I sit here and am typing this first sentence and find myself giggling at the parallel to religion already. Not in a bad way. But the last time that I sat down and wrote about my experience, it was called a “testimony” and it was for a Christian support group where I shared about what my sins had cost me and how god was my redeemer.

Things have certainly changed. It feels like a lifetime ago.

And I don’t regret a thing.

My religious construction and deconstruction are both tied in to my sexuality, unfortunately. But I want to make something very clear from the beginning: My sexuality forced me to ask questions. My sexuality did not drive me away from my faith. My questions and subsequent answers did the leg work that got me here today.

A short history:

I came out as gay (to my parents) when I was 14. I was raised in the church, but it was routine at best. Nothing of deep emotional value. And I thought my coming out went well. My mom asked me if I was sure, I said yes, and we went to bed. “Wow, okay cool. We’re in the clear.”

It was the next day however, that things got… complicated.



Recovering from Religion

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