I Tried to Believe in God — My Mind Wouldn’t Let Me

Examine your life and your beliefs, then strive for excellence with or without God

Recovering from Religion


Submitted by Kit Summers

I used to be a world-class juggler. Then I was hit by a truck and spent 37 days in a coma. I gave recovery my full effort but it was impossible to return to my former skill level, so I wrote a book about juggling and started a fresh salsa business — then I got hit by another truck. I was also sent to jail for a month on a false charge. I continued to write and became a world traveler. I have been through a lot of ups and downs. [The following words are from a book I am writing about God and belief.]

After the appalling things I have gone through in my life, I tried to turn to the idea of a God to simply ask: “Why?”

No answer came to me.

After the accident, I was trying to go down that path, for help, for guidance, and for relief; but ran into too many dead-ends and roadblocks. Try as I might, I could not find that road to go down.

I cannot find this “father” in heaven who takes care of us, perhaps because I grew up without a father (he died when I was seven).

While growing up, I did not have much of a religious or spiritual influence. My mother…



Recovering from Religion

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