If You Were An All Powerful & Good God…

How would you treat your little creatures?

Tim Zeak
7 min readJun 9, 2020


Photo by Meriç Dağlı on Unsplash

If you had a message of salvation that your creatures were required to know if their eternal destiny was at stake, would you communicate it in clear unambiguous language making sure it was delivered in the language of each creature, or would you provide a confusing message while concealing it from the vast majority of them?

If you provided a top ten list of commandments, would you include the prohibition of slavery and rape, or would you think they were not important enough for your top ten?

Would you create a mosquito that would kill millions of your helpless creatures every year, most of whom are the poorest of the poor, by delivering a parasite that causes malaria, or would you create it to be harmless or maybe even non-existent?

Would you love and protect little helpless children, or would you just stand by and watch millions of them every year die a cruel and painful death of starvation and other diseases? Would you enjoy watching 14 of those children die every minute and their parents and loved ones grieve for years afterwards? Would you allow eight million babies to be born with birth defects every year; 60,000 of them totally blind? Would you do nothing to help, just as if you did not even exist?

In the event you decided that some suffering and hardship was necessary to create fortitude and other good characteristics, would you spread it out evenly or cause the poorest of the poor to have most of it?

Would you create animals and other organisms that would be forced to live in an environment of constant fear and one that would require almost all of them to stalk, kill and eat each other in order to stay alive? Would the environment you design cause over 99% of all species to suffer and die and become extinct, or would you, being a perfect and loving God, automatically have the compassion and wisdom to design them with solar panels in their ears to obtain the necessary energy from the sun where they did not have to spend most of their time living in absolute fear only to eventually die a horrible and painful death? Would you enjoy watching beautiful gazelles finally get overtaken after a long exhausting chase and then literally and painfully ripped apart?

National Cancer Institute on Unsplash.

Would you design DNA so that it would not mutate or malfunction to cause hundreds of painful diseases, deformities, and other terrible disabilities, knowing full well that just a slight tweak in a single gene would prevent any disease you would want to prevent?

Would you design knees and hips, eyes and ears and, of course, brains with sound minds to last a lifetime or at least make them easily replaceable, sort of like we do when we just screw in a new light bulb?

If young girls are kidnapped and brutally raped, would you rush in and help them or just sit there and watch as thousands are raped every day? Would you just watch as thousands of them are held captive for year after year being raped and beaten daily as if you either did not care or did not even exist? At the very least, would you not call 911? If humans would be totally immoral to just sit by and watch these rapes occur, wouldn’t you be more immoral if you just sat by and watched them, given the fact that you are all-powerful?

Would you call a King, let’s call him David, “a man after your own heart” who had eight wives, killed his neighbor’s husband to conceal the fact he had impregnated her and raised a son who went on to marry 700 wives and kept another 300 concubines (sex slaves) on the side? If you had established the death penalty for murder and adultery, would you have ignored it in his case? Would you ever refer to his son as the “wisest man who ever lived”? (In Acts 13:22 we find God Himself being quoted by Paul… “After He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king, concerning whom He also testified and said, “I HAVE FOUND DAVID the son of Jesse, A MAN AFTER MY HEART, who will do all My will.”) Yet in 2Samuel 12:18 it states that God’s punishment was to kill David’s new born baby and 2Samuel 12:11 states word for word; Thus says the Lord, “Behold, I will raise up evil against you from your own household; I will even take your wives before your eyes and give them to your companion, and he will lie with your wives in [a]broad daylight.”

If you really loved your created creatures, and designed them to need fresh water and food to sustain them, would you make those things available to all of them on a somewhat equal basis? Or would you make sure that the poorest and the weakest had the least?


If anyone misrepresented your instructions and messages to a degree that they deceived your other creatures, would you possibly place a visible sign on them or maybe make them speechless for a while so the people listening to them would know they were lying and thus not be deceived and end up in an eternal torture chamber?

Would you even think of creating such a place?

Would you ever have a “favored people” and, if so, would you ever instruct them to invade other nations and kill every man, woman, child and animal, but say that they could keep the young virgins for themselves? If so, how would you teach them to be able to identify the virgins? (Deut 21:10–13)

If a man raped a young virgin, would you ever require her to marry him if he paid her father 50 shekels of silver? If so, how would you determine that 50 shekels would be the fair amount to charge? (Deut 22:28–29)

After creating your creatures, if you knew that there were dangerous germs that would certainly kill millions of them after weeks of suffering if they did not understand basic proper sanitation, would you instruct them or conceal it from them for many centuries watching them die and suffer unnecessary and painful deaths? If so, would you then take credit for “germ theory” that was finally discovered by Scientists after toiling for centuries to do so? Surely you would never mock someone for washing their hands, or would you?


If believing in you was vital for earning eternal salvation, would you make sure that your existence was unambiguously clear by maybe an occasional universal and undeniable miracle?

If you created creatures with brains that were designed to intelligently think rationally about things before believing them, would you make the world in such a way that it would be difficult to believe in you and then punish them for merely using their brains in the manner in which you created it for? If so, would you at least make sure that the punishment fit the “crime” or would you burn, boil, and fry them for an endless eternity, regardless of how kind and moral they may have been otherwise? Certainly, you would not create fake fossils and bury them as a trick to make their brains think up a theory like evolution, would you?

If you decided that you made an error and mistake in your first attempt to create creatures to love and worship you, would you ever kill them all in a flood in an attempt to start over? Surely you would not drown all the women and babies, would you? How about the blind, invalid and pregnant women? Surely not the puppies, kittens, and bunny rabbits… would you drown them too? Would it have even been possible for you as a perfect, all-knowing God to make that error in the first place?

In your infinite wisdom, would you ever define love as something someone does under the threat of being sent to an endless torture chamber if they did not? Could your love for your lowly creatures ever design such a cruel punishment? If so, how would that be anything other than diabolical vengeance, billions and billions times worse than Hitler and other similar monsters?

Being all-powerful, would you get more joy and satisfaction from having your lowly creatures continuously worship and sing praises to you, and if they didn’t, to torture them forever; or from seeing that they were happy and well protected from danger and pain — much like your creatures do with their own children, at least those who have sound minds?



Tim Zeak

Formerly an evangelical who read the Bible from cover to cover a dozen times and finally was able to shake my childhood indoctrination of hell fire & brimstone.