Is God Your Enemy?


Marlane Ainsworth


Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

While holidaying in Tasmania, I visited the MONA (Museum of Old and New Art). The Tasmania Travel Guide describes it as:

Australia’s largest private museum and one of the most controversial private collections of modern art and antiquities in the world.

Wandering around for two hours, I found myself agreeing with Tasmania Travel Guide, finding some of the installations confronting, intriguing, nightmarish, bewildering, or challenging.

One art piece was a large poster on a wall that stated:





The Oxford Dictionary defines “enemy” as a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something, or a thing that harms or weakens something else.

So, this poster was making an interesting (and for many people, a confronting) point.

I spent quite a few years of my life fearing and trying to appease and please a God conjured from the King James Version of the Bible. This God demanded I worship and obey him. I finally gave up the struggle and decided to just live the best way I could, harm no one, appreciate nature, and no longer try to…



Marlane Ainsworth

Memoir writer. Spiritual writing. Signposts for living are embedded in daily life. Notice messages from your heart and soul.