It’s time to turn our backs on God

And our faces toward each other.



Photo by Brad Dodson on Unsplash

I was born and bred to be a Trump supporting Evangelical. I know them and their beliefs inside and out. I understand the insidious nature of the religion, and I’m here to tell you, evangelicalism, and all monotheistic, narrow religions are the enemy of progress, the enemy of anything good.

In the name of God, wars have been waged, guns have been fired, bombs have exploded and people keep dying.

They fight against their fellow man, for a being they cannot see, some eternal life that isn’t guaranteed.

I know because we are taught to fear that even if we think we’re saved we still might hear,

Depart from me. I never knew you.

And guess what, if you’re reading this to get offended, God doesn’t know you! And you don’t know God.

Man makes God in his image.

Your God is a God of torment, a sadistic bastard who tortures his alleged creation.

Your God wants you to be afraid of your own mind, distrustful of your own heart.

The one he allegedly gave you.

So really, who’s at fault?

You can’t blame the creation for the creators problems.




“People like to laugh at you cause they are all the same; I would rather we just go our different way than play the game.” -Pink