My Bout With a God Virus

The psychology of religion during a crisis

Recovering from Religion


Submitted by Jenna Chiles

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

We all know how viruses spread. You touch that napkin dispenser that someone just touched before you, and maybe they didn’t wash their hands after they went to the bathroom. Next thing you know, you’re sick as a dog. Or maybe you have a week where you’re working too much, don’t sleep nor eat well, and you get a fun little cold to top off your weekend. Getting a virus is a pretty easy thing to do, and it’s even easier if you live with people under the age of 5.

In the RfRx video The Psychology of Religion During a Crisis with Dr. Darrel Ray, Dr. Ray argues that some ideas can be like viruses. He argues mostly that religious ideas can act like a virus to the mind, but also concedes that political ideas and even conspiracy theories can act the same way. You may be thinking to yourself, Well, that sure is hyperbolic. Viruses are dangerous and kill people. Religion is just kind of annoying if you’re not in it, but a system of morals if you are in it. I thought the same thing for a hot minute; but as Dr. Ray made his case, I came around to his idea.



Recovering from Religion

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