My Fellow Muslim Women, Does Islam Really Give You Rights?

Mulan Rue
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2022
Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

I challenge you to ask any practicing Muslim woman if Islam values her and gives her her full rights, she would proudly tell you, with full confidence, that Islam does. Whereas it clearly shows the opposite.

Allow me to explain why:

Your Husband Has the Right to Marry Up to 4 Wives (At the Same Time)

Imagine you marry your soulmate, someone you’re completely in love with. Then one day, you find another woman in your house and discover that this is your husband’s second wife. You have no right to say anything because the Quran says it’s his right. Your supposedly feminist religion gives him the right to marry again because of his selfish sexual need to marry someone younger or prettier. Your supposedly feminist religion disregards your feelings and your value. And you don’t get to say anything about it.

Sexual objectification of women

You are Obliged to Cover Up

Muslim women are obliged to cover up. According to the Islamic law, women are obliged to cover up (except the hands and face) also known as the hijab. No man should see her without her hijab except her dad, her brothers, and her husband. The hijab is a way to “protect” a woman from harassment. It is her job to cover up to not sexually arouse men (as if it is her job to control men’s sexual urges). Hijab is a way to preserve modesty. Because “showing skin makes you a whore”. They convince (if not force) her to put the hijab on by shaming her body.

Please read my article to go deeper into how Hijab is sexist.

You Don’t Have the Right to Divorce Your Husband

If a Muslim man decides to divorce his wife, he easily can. Because he has a right to divorce even in the absence of his wife. However, if a Muslim woman wants to divorce her husband, she has to ASK HIM. Yes, she has to ask him to divorce her. Worst-case scenarios, let’s say the husband committed a crime, she has to go to court and ask a male religious leader for divorce. This shows how women are considered intellectually deficient because they can’t make a decision without a man in the picture.

When I argue with Muslim people about this, their first question is:

“Why didn’t she include her condition to have a right to divorce in their marriage agreement in the first place?”

For those who don’t know, before marriage, the man and woman can both put whatever conditions they want in their marriage agreement.

My answer to that is: Why on earth does she have to write that condition down whereas he already has that right BY DEFAULT?

for more info:

Your Testimony is Worth Half a Man’s

The verse says that If there aren’t two men found for a witness, there should be one man and two women because if one of those women forgets, the other one will remind her. How degrading is this to your intellect? You are considered intellectually deficient according to Islam. Your worth, intelligence, and value is half of man’s. Should I explain more?

He Has the Right of Control Over You

Many people would defend Islam by saying that men are forced to financially support their wives when there is any talk about Islam degrading women. As we all know, women are becoming financially independent more than ever these days. Many women have become a part of the household finances.

But let’s say he financially supports you, therefore he gets to have control over you? If you don’t obey him, does he have the right to hit you?

Please read my article If She Doesn’t Obey You, Hit Her:

Should I explain as well that the Quran seems to be speaking to only men? Or that there is just one woman mentioned in the Quran? Or that, among 124,000 prophets, there isn’t one that is a woman?

I could write a whole book about this.

I could give a lot more examples about how women are considered less in Islam.

It hurts me so much that Muslim women believe so…



Mulan Rue

My dream is to write in a bathtub filled with coffee, and millions of books surrounding me☕📚