My Mom Warned Me Not to Get the Vaccine

It will alter my genes, and her chiropractor said he can’t fix it.

Kristina Callaway


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Did you do a double take when you read that subtitle? Did you hope it was a joke, or at the very least, an exaggeration?

I wish.

It was early Saturday evening, or perhaps late Saturday afternoon. Dinner was in the oven. I was sitting with knees up, on my bed, sipping some tea, and browsing aimlessly on my phone. I was interrupted by a text from my mom.

“Kristi, are you still considering getting the vaccine? I’ve learned some very disturbing things about it.”

Oh shit. Full stop, emergency siren sound, danger danger, Will Robinson. My mom, armed with (and believing in) vaccine disinformation, is a wrecking ball about to knock into public health. Okay, that is an exaggeration, but you get my drift. She’s articulate, she’s earnest, and she’s oh-so-good at convincing anyone of anything.

I should also clarify. My mom used the word “considering” in her text to me, but I never “considered” getting the vaccine. Just as I never “considered” not getting the vaccine. Instead, I’ve been checking every few weeks for an ETA on when it will be available in my age range so I can line right up for it. No consideration necessary, science is offering us…



Kristina Callaway

Artist, mother, and seeker of unique places and experiences.