My Pilgrimage to Mecca Made Me an Agnostic Ex-Muslim

Recovering from Religion
Published in
8 min readAug 12, 2020


Photo by Haidan on Unsplash

This story was submitted anonymously.

I am a 27-year-old Pakistani woman. Just over two years ago I was a strict conservative Muslim who did not even think about questioning my religion — in fact, 25-year-old me would have been appalled at who I am now.

This is the story of how I realised Islam was another man-made religion.

The “Perfect Musalimah” Phase

I started wearing the hijab, praying, and fasting regularly when I was around 14–15. Nobody forced me into it, but my once-moderate Muslim parents caught the religion bug, and young susceptible me got caught in the sudden tide of Islamic devotion.

I became the perfect Muslimah. Despite being in a liberal co-ed school I kept my distance from boys, never partied, never missed a prayer and never took off the hijab even in female-only gatherings because of male attendants/waiters. To top it off, I was an honor roll student and believed all my achievements were due to the wazifas (supplications) and prayers I did. I was that kid other parents compared their children with. Heck, I even inspired a few people to put on the hijab and become “religious”. People praised me right and left and I never had any reason to question Islam.



Recovering from Religion

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