My Preacher’s Kid Ex-Boyfriend

I never saw the truth behind his smiling mask

Kristina Callaway


I have folders on my computer containing logs of old messages. Some are funny, and some are just interesting to read again years later. Each one offers a peek into a past version of myself. This excerpt is from an AOL instant messenger chat from when I was in my early 20's. (I know, I’m revealing my age here!) A friend and I were discussing how a recent phone conversation had ended abruptly. Names have been removed for anonymity.

him (5:01:52 PM): sorry bout that
me (5:01:59 PM): no I’m sorry
him (5:02:26 PM): uh, for what?
me (5:02:26 PM): I had pulled up to the church and [my boyfriend’s] dad was there talking to him
me (5:02:57 PM): and I got that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and didn’t hear a word you were saying
him (5:03:17 PM): oh, it’s ok

My boyfriend was a preacher’s kid. As far as any of the adults in my life knew, I was the good girl. All my life, church moms had been telling me, conspiratorially, “I wish my son would date someone like you!”

I was basically a walking stereotype of the sweet, sunny, innocent Christian girl, and because of that, I fully expected my boyfriend’s parents to approve of me. But there was no such thing as good enough for the two of them.



Kristina Callaway

Artist, mother, and seeker of unique places and experiences.