Newsletter 1

Hi everyone! This is a reminder that Excommunications is a safe space to share your thoughts, doubts, experiences, stories, and more about your religious history. If you haven’t done so yet, do not hesitate to reach out if you feel it would be helpful to you and others.

Joe Omundson
2 min readMar 3, 2024


Now that the winter holidays are over and Easter is approaching, we see more and more bunnies and eggs in the stores. At least I do, where I live. I’ve been wondering, though, how many of you celebrated Easter with your families when you were still Christians, and how many of you still celebrate it if you are still religious?

Where I am from, we used to die eggs red and give them to the boys who used to “water” us, girls (sprinkle some water on our heads), like flowers. It’s a tradition in some parts of Europe. As a kid, I enjoyed this time of the year very much. Even though I am not religious anymore, I still have fun with my family whenever they decide to keep up with this tradition.

Do you have any experiences like that? Or do you have any traditions for Easter?

Anyway, I hope this letter finds you well, and I wish you all a joyful March.

P.S.: I am new at this newsletter thing, so please bear with me :)

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

