On the Path of the Other.

Nicholas Tarleton
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2021


A journey through Mystery, Cult, Christianity and beyond…

Fallen stone Irish cross in a field with woods behind. Photo by author.
Fallen cross in Ireland. Photo by Author

I have been pondering the spiritual recently — more particularly, where does it relate in my life now. Let’s just say that each of these parts of my history could each take up many articles independently, and perhaps they will.

I always had a sense of the “other” from poking around in the river that ran by our house to the mystery of the hidden creatures in the wood over the other side of the field and, of course, the ever-present lore of growing up in Ireland, rich in myth and folk stories. These were a part of life, including Irish children tv; indeed, when Eddie Lenihan appeared on National Television in 1986, telling stories of the Fianna and the Faeries, I was completely enthralled. However, this was tempered by being brought up in the minority Protestant church and its predictable presumptions. However, I spent my early teens exploring myths and legends, encouraged by a weekly magazine called the “Unexplained”. UFOs, ghost, fairies and (my favourite) the cryptids!

For as long as I can remember, I have sought the ‘truth’ and reality, and perhaps you could say the “magic” of life. For me, as someone who was a bit of an outsider, needing one to one emotional connection and finding none, except with the animals, my next spiritual journey was no surprise in retrospect. I found my way in my…



Nicholas Tarleton

Irish Ex-pat, Dad of 2 boys, Ex-Counsellor, Author, Music producer. Trying to make a difference by being himself; finding life's magic when the coffee kicks in.