Religious Obedience Nearly Killed Me

How I realized I need to trust my intuition

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Submitted by Bonnie Yoder

A year ago today I survived.

A year ago today I nearly died as a direct connection to the deep, deep damage religious abuse has permanently formed in my psyche.

For four months I had been in such pain as to take my breath away, leaving me unable to sleep and barely eating. In spite of this, I gained nearly twenty pounds in a matter of weeks!

I went to three different doctors hoping to find some relief. Each of them focused on my weight gain, telling me to “cut the carbs a little” and “get some exercise in.”

Three different doctors!

But then that morning exactly one year ago today revealed to me just how much I have been trained to my own detriment. Something shifted that morning. Something in my mind before my body.

Something (I suppose it’s called intuition) told me I needed to go to the hospital.

But I didn’t say anything.

My husband, Todd, said he needed to meet someone and he’d be back in a little while. I ignored my own need and simply said “okay.” Well, during that span of time, my body caught up to my intuition and the pain was becoming more intense…



Recovering from Religion

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