Starting Over Isn’t Easy

But if you don’t try you’ll never know

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

Submitted by Malvina S

I am a former Jehovah’s Witness — a former JWs regular pioneer for 15 years. I was born into the religion. So I didn’t know any better.

My dad was a church elder and a regular pioneer, my mom a regular pioneer and my brother was even in Bethel (Jehovah’s Witness headquarters in NYC) for a while. I was that “exemplary sister” in the hall as I used all my time and resources for them. I was even assigned to “serve where the need was great”.

What started my doubts was a series of bad experiences as an adult. I also had a new job around that time, where I met so many new people. I had new experiences that broke me out of my isolated, narrow minded point of view that I had as a Jehovah’s Witness. As many JW’s know, once you’re over 30 it’s very hard to marry, but as a woman you don’t have a lot of purpose in the organization.

At one point I was very lonely and felt like there was no place for me there. Instead of leaving I decided to embrace the fact that I was alone and just continue doing all the JW stuff you’re expected to do and study the bible more. I was already having feelings of doubts by this point, so I thought surely Jehovah would strengthen my faith if I looked for him.



Recovering from Religion

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