Still Afraid of Going to Hell? Read This and Relax

Examining the story of Paul broke the illusion

Recovering from Religion


Submitted by “Chewbacca”

The fear of going to Hell, or Hell itself as a place, is something that caused me years of depression and anxiety. Thankfully, due to advances in modern medicine, I was able to combat some of those feelings with a daily dose of anti-anxiety medication. However, this wasn’t going to solve the issue that had been consuming my life for years.

The pain and endless nights without sleep made me miss out on so much joy in my life, which still angers me to this day. It felt like it was never going to end, the nagging fear and constant thoughts dragging me down.

When I was finally brave enough to start asking questions and pulling back the layers of the Christian fear cult, it felt like I was on to something huge and very important. All those pastors and youth group leaders through the years had been lying to me and I knew it, but now I had to prove it. How would I do this?

Simply, the Apostle Paul.

It was not an easy journey to the great place where I am today, but I am proud to say I no longer have these feelings of guilt and anxiety. I would research one topic and debunk it only to have another thing pop up and take its place, moving…



Recovering from Religion

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