The Belief That Nearly Broke My Marriage

And how we overcame it

Kristina Callaway


Photo by Prapoth Panchuea on Unsplash

Today, I’m married to a wonderful man. He supports me in everything I do. He appreciates me in a way that’s just shy of worshipful. I am humbled by how lucky I am to have him, and I try my absolute best to be everything he needs, as well. If I believe in soul mates, he’s mine.

Falling in love with him was a bit of a shock. And if you’ve read any of my other articles, you’ve probably guessed it. Yes, I immortalized that shocked, and newly-in-love feeling into a poem I wrote for him!

It’s called “Sorry but…”

Sorry but
I don’t think this is love babe
I’m too happy!

Love is when you drop your heart on the floor
and wait for that special someone to step on it
and the good ones are the ones that DON’T get in the car and drive over it…

and the best ones
are when somebody special trips over it and falls too
then at least you have someone to laugh at while you lie bleeding

but this is so different
I wake up each morning with your name on my lips and a smile on my face
and you are all I want and need and all I can think about all day.



Kristina Callaway

Artist, mother, and seeker of unique places and experiences.