The New “Black” Atheist

Submitted by Travis J. Green

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Kazi Mizan on Unsplash

While I wholeheartedly understand that my story is not a novel concept, I hope that it adds depth to the ideals many are coming to grips with, just like I have.

While I have been anti-religious for some time now, only recently have I been comfortable calling myself an atheist. Why the hesitation? Because I am a Black man in America. More specifically a Southern Black man from Atlanta, GA. Historically, that comes with plenty of religious baggage. From the great Dr. King to Reverend David Abernathy, there is a legacy that comes with being black and Christian. In my youth, moving into adulthood, I could not separate the struggle of Black Americans from the church. To me, the church was interwoven with continuing societal progress. This rang true of my own family as well, because my paternal Grandfather was the main mason worker for one of Georgia’s oldest Catholic monasteries. If anyone was to become a member of the “cloth”, it surely was I.

I cannot pinpoint the exact moment I deconverted. What I can say is that it took time, anguish, and a level of open mindedness that I could not begin to fathom as a former Christian. Maybe one day I will write down my entire story, but today I just want to share the latest update.



Recovering from Religion

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