The Second Reformation of the Christian Church

Otis Adams
Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2021


Why I decided to publish my essays on faith

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

I was raised in church. We often went three times a week. As a teenager, certain elements I had believed with ease a few years earlier were becoming problematic. The cognitive dissonance was too frenzied to manage.

I was no longer able to believe like a child once I stopped being one. I started writing to try and sort things out in essay form. A few months back, during the Covid shutdown, I found my old spiral notebooks.

As I read what I had written about fifteen years before, having stored it away in my closet as a record of my own views, I worried about the good sort of Christian reading it. Those who are kind, thoughtful, and find peace and comfort in whatever collection of beliefs they call their Christianity. I worried about those readers who have lost someone dear to them and want to have confidence they’ll be reunited after death, or those, like me, who are frightened by the thunderous thought of their own deaths.

However, as I watch the news, I worry about the government and its neglected separation from religion. I worry about how easily the faithful can be manipulated by politicians, the wolves in sheep’s clothing they were warned about. I worry about what is being taught in schools, and what isn’t.



Otis Adams

Author of Lavatory Reader #1, now on Amazon. Essayist and fiction writer. Please consider supporting Otis Adams’ work at Contact Otis at