The Terrible Things I Was Taught

A recovery story from ImpishMisconception

Recovering from Religion


Trigger warning: Suicide mention

Photo by Joyful on Unsplash

I was brought up in a Conservative Evangelical Protestant Christian home. I was homeschooled and for years, I honestly thought everyone was brought up the same way I was. I thought everyone believed in God as I did.

Since I was born a female, I was taught that all I was good for was cooking, cleaning, and having babies. My only destiny was to someday be a wife and mother; that’s it.

Since my destiny was to be a wife and mother, there was no need for me to work. I am now in my 30’s with no work experience at all. I was taught and I believed for years that I would marry a man, and that man would pay the bills and look after me. I wasn’t even attracted to men, but I went along with it because I thought it was a sin for me to not follow my destiny as God had planned it.

I don’t want children; I never have. I don’t even like children. I won’t be rude or mean to them, but I prefer to not be around them. I mentioned once in Church how I might not want children and boy, did I hear about it from the Christian women. It was my duty to bear children, and God commanded us to multiply, and it was basically a sin for me to not have children.



Recovering from Religion

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