Thriving in a Mixed Secular/Religious Relationship: RfRx talk with Rebecca Williams, LMFT

People are more important than religion.

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Julian Myles on Unsplash

Submitted by Jenna Chiles

In my younger, single days I went out with this guy I’ll call Calvin a few times. He was a coworker (always a bad idea) and a drummer (always a bad idea?). He was weird, quirky, had a great smile, and generally a really nice guy. I was really excited when he asked me out. I had seen lots of other coworker relationships blow up, so I hadn’t pursued any myself; but, when he asked me out, I decided to go for it. This guy checked off so many boxes, and I thought he was really cute. So, why not?

We went out to eat a few times. We hung out at his place, played music together (I still played my guitar and bass back then), and hung out together a lot. We talked about childhoods, college plans, and past relationships. One night, he shared a devastating story about a bad breakup. Calvin had really loved this girl who said she’d marry him if she could have a Tiffany’s engagement ring. He worked diligently for a year and got her a very modest Tiffany’s ring, but she still said no. The relationship ended shortly after that. He showed me the ring he kept in a locked safe in his room. It was the saddest story I had ever heard, I was falling like a bag of all the…



Recovering from Religion

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