We Need Actual Love From Other Humans

God Isn’t Enough

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

Submitted by Dr. Sharon Sanders (Recovering from Religion volunteer) and Dr. Jan Faeri

We humans are practically need factories. From the moment of our birth it is clear that we operate on need. A new baby has no desires, no wants. Wants develop later as discernment (the mind) develops. A new baby needs to be taken care of, it is wholly dependent on others, and cannot take care of its own needs. It needs to be fed and have its diaper changed. It needs to be protected from harm and it needs to be loved.

Growing up is partly a matter of becoming self-sufficient. From birth to adulthood we all learn more and more how to take care of our own needs until we are no longer dependent on our parents or caregivers to provide for us. Essential needs never change; the only thing that changes is who is responsible for meeting those needs. As adults we still need to be fed and clean, safe and loved. As babies it is our caregivers, whoever that may be, who must fulfill our needs. As adults, it is ourselves.

For the rest of this blog, I’m going to focus on adult needs only. There are physical needs, emotional needs, and intellectual needs. Needs are entirely different than wants. Here is one simple formula to help identify if something is a need or a want. We have dozens of needs, but we…



Recovering from Religion

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