Why I Never Have Doubts about Leaving Christianity

10 issues with biblical Christianity that don’t have good answers

Recovering from Religion


Photo by xiaokang Zhang on Unsplash

Submitted by Miklos Jako

I’ve talked to ex-Christians who say that every so often they have residual doubts about leaving Christianity. Myself, I never have such doubts about leaving Christianity and here is why, first generally, then specifically.

I came to my decision step-by-step, assiduously, over decades. I proceeded humbly, with an open mind, reading, thinking, and brooding over every issue.

After coming to a decision, I wanted to make sure. Sure that I wasn’t missing some esoteric insight or attitude that might yet make sense of Christianity. I embarked on a mission to informally debate knowledgeable Christians of every stripe. I talked with hundreds of them, including some top Christian apologists.

I sat down with William Lane Craig (the best Christian apologist out there, in my opinion) for an hour and a half. With Hugh Ross (a legitimate astrophysicist) for two hours. With Hank Hanegraaff (“The Bible Answer Man”) for six hours over two days. With Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft (often referred to as the C. S. Lewis of our age) for twelve hours over several weeks. And these men, all extremely bright and knowledgeable, did not have good…



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