Why I’m No Longer a Christian

After 30 years believing Christianity’s claims

Susie Ambrose


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The reasons why I have left my old religion are numerous, and they keep multiplying and being affirmed the more I experience and study with unbiased eyes. Here, I will share just one reason.

The ‘Theory’ of Evolution

I came to understand that we have the fossils of our various ape-like ancestors gradually evolving into the branch of homo sapiens (us). It is clear. Yes, it’s mind-boggling, but there’s enough evidence now that it’s not really a debate anymore. While there are things we still do not understand yet (as always), the evidence is plentiful that this somehow happened.

Evolution is not a theory, even though science humbly calls its discoveries about how things work ‘theories’. Imagine if religion did that! I wonder if calling it ‘The theory of Christianity’ might put people off following it. However, only when a scientific hypothesis can be sufficiently supported by evidence does it gain the title of ‘theory’.

You probably don’t want to test the ‘theory’ of gravity by jumping off a building. There is enough evidence to support the hypothesis that it won’t be pretty. Scientists are constantly learning and putting more pieces together on how evolution happens. You can stay updated on evolution…



Susie Ambrose

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History: The fall of Rome, the history of the Jews, and medieval history. Enticed by stories, culture, food, and self-improvement.