Would You Send Her to Hell?

Make it personal

Recovering from Religion


Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Submitted by Marty McDonald

Although I’ve changed people’s names, this is a true story.

In fall 1997, my whole workplace was excited for our co-worker Ken. Ken’s wife, Mai, was pregnant with their first baby.

After several weeks, Mai’s labor finally started, and Ken took her to the hospital. The next time we heard from Ken, we were devasted: Mai died at the hospital after giving birth.

We were all stunned.

Mai died of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a high blood pressure condition women can develop late in pregnancy. Mai’s husband Ken would need to raise their newborn son by himself.

Mai was Vietnamese and Buddhist. According to the Buddhist tradition, Mai needed to be buried within a certain number of days. On an autumn Saturday, we gathered to remember, then bury Mai.

Mai’s memorial was conducted at a funeral home. My wife and I sat in the middle of the seats. Ken was seated at the front. For most of the service, Ken’s head looked downward. Ken held a picture of Mai, and he stared at it for most of the memorial.

Mai’s many sisters also sat at the front. I remember their silhouettes as they all sat next to each other, devastated because their sister had died. I don’t…



Recovering from Religion

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