Writing for ExCommunications

What we’re looking for, and how to submit your story

Recovering from Religion
2 min readAug 1, 2020


Always attribute your photos. | Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

Thank you for your interest in contributing to ExCommunications, the official blog of Recovering from Religion.

We’re looking for personal, informative, and educational stories about the process of leaving religion and the ex-religious experience.

We seek to explore the nuances of deconversion, discuss the common issues ex-believers face, and encourage each other in the process of reconstructing our lives after a shift in religious belief.

If a story offers support for a person who is recovering from religion or struggling with religious trauma, it probably fits with our mission.

Personal experiences and journeys are preferred, but we’ll also accept well-researched historical analyses, philosophical essays, and other commentaries about the effects of religion on society and individuals.

We appreciate your understanding that we cannot accept all stories submitted to us.

How to submit an article

There are two routes to getting published on our blog:

1. Email us your story, and we’ll post it using the Recovering from Religion account.

Simply email your story to blog@recoveringfromreligion.org and we’ll go from there. You can paste the text of your story directly into the email, or attach a Google doc.

This is a good option if you don’t want to create a Medium account or if you want to submit your story anonymously. We can credit you with your name, a pseudonym, or simply leave it as “anonymous”.

If you’re an established Medium writer, you might still consider going this route if you want to directly support Recovering from Religion with the proceeds from your story.

2. Ask to be added as a contributor

Send us an email at blog@recoveringfromreligion.org requesting to be added as a contributing author. Please include your Medium username (ours is @recoveringfromreligion). Tell us a little bit about yourself, and the types of articles you plan to submit to us.

We will reply once we’ve added you.

Then, follow these steps to submit your story:

  • From the draft of your story, click the “” button near the top-right corner of the page
  • Select “Add to publication
  • Choose “ExCommunications” from the list of publications, then “Select and continue
  • Click “Submit” to submit your story for review
  • Wait for your draft to be reviewed (we’ll try to review it within 3 days). We’ll leave a private comment at the top of your story to let you know whether it’s been accepted or not, and if so, when you can expect it to go live.

Thanks so much! We hope to hear from you soon.



Recovering from Religion

Has religion negatively affected your life? Find resources, live chat and phone support, Support Groups, and more at recoveringfromreligion.org.