Oberon, Titania and Puck with Dancing Fairies” by William Blake. Public Domain.

Beyond Nietzsche: Getting at the Distinction between Sympathy and Pity

Sean Donovan


Pity is a misunderstood term. It’s denotation is simply the sorrow you feel when confronted by another’s misfortune. But the connotation is something else entirely — it evokes images of superiority and of contempt. The reason for this association is this. Pity — even when well-intentioned — is inescapably non-reciprocal. It is asymmetrical between the pitier and the pitied.

It was perhaps Nietzsche who first recognized this. And he took it several steps further; for Nietzsche, not only was pity non-reciprocal, not only was it inherently asymmetrical, but it was also actively detrimental in the way it compounded weakness. In The Anti-Christ he states:

People have dared to call pity a virtue… people have gone even further, making it into the virtue, the foundation and source of all virtues, — but of course you always have to keep in mind that this was the perspective of a nihilistic philosophy that inscribed the negation of life on its shield. Schopenhauer was right here: pity negates life, it makes life worthy of negation, — pity is the practice of nihilism. Once more: this depressive and contagious instinct runs counter to the instincts that preserve and enhance the value of life: by multiplying misery just as much as by conserving everything miserable, pity is one of the main tools used to increase



Sean Donovan

My ambition in life is to write at least one idea you find insightful. Damn the rest. //// Read more 👉 https://medium.com/@sean.donovan/membership