Visual UI testing with + Cypress (Graph, PDF, DOM UI changes can now be automated)

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2 min readApr 9, 2019
Visual testing with Percy + Cypress

In this post, we will discuss automating the most complex UI components which were never so easy without visual UI testing tools.

There are many visual UI testing tools available and some of the most popular are

  1. Sikuli
  2. Eggplant
  3. AppliTool etc

Welcome the next-gen Visual UI testing platform with Percy

Percy is an all-in-one visual testing and review platform.

Percy helps teams automate manual QA to catch visual bugs and gain insight into UI changes on each commit. There are many SDK percy supports which makes percy more available with existing infrastructures we have something as shown below

SDK support

Setting up Percy with Cypress

Setup of Percy with Cypress is as easy as shown below

Percy + Cypress setup

Complete video demo

Here is the complete End-to-End demonstration of Percy + Cypress

End-to-End video demo of Percy + Cypress

This above discussion is the part of Udemy course released a couple of weeks before

Ever growing course content

Students comments on the course

Here are the students comments and how they feel about the course

Students comments


Well, Percy + Cypress makes a complete combination of best of the bread from both the side of the world and makes testers life easier!

BTW, if you are interested in the course, do send me an email or post your email in the comments and I will share you coupon code for a discount !




ExecuteAutomation Ltd is a Software testing and its related information service company founded in 2020. Info available in YouTube and Udemy as video courses .