How to Grow Your Recruiting Business

Bryan M. Wilson
Exelare News & Announcements
2 min readNov 2, 2016

A recruitment agency is only as successful as the placements that it makes. In order to be considered the top recruitment business in your area, you will need to properly network with businesses and have a wide pool of qualified applicants for all industry types. Here are three ways that using a recruitment CRM will aid you in becoming the top placement agency in your area.

Recruitment CRM systems

Network with More Businesses

If you are interested in growing your business, you will need slots available for placement. The more you network and gain trust and visibility for companies, the more slots you will be able to fill. As a professional recruitment office, you should attend business functions, as well as make appointments to meet with other new and expanding businesses in your area. If you keep information and contacts from these meetings inside of your recruitment software, you will see increased efficiency in assigning workers to companies, plus have a defined point of contact for any future business.

Use Software to Manage Contacts and Resumes

Better efficiency means better business growth. The resumes and skill set of the clients that you have available at your recruiting agency will determine how many business positions you can fulfill for the industries where you focus most of your time and energy. Keep all client profiles and resumes within some type of resume tracking software. The tracking software will allow you to find resumes that match the skill sets requested for the job positions that you are looking to fill. An effective system, such as the software available from Exelare, will allow you to find the right candidates in the system and match positions within minutes.

Use a Referral System for Businesses and Clients

Once you have all of your ducks in a row with your software and have become a trusted business in your area, you should institute a referral program for businesses and for workers that you place with an agency. The referral program can offer a discount or even a monetary payment for referring new clients who are placed by the agency Word of mouth from businesses and workers that trust you will provide you with more clientele for your recruiter CRM than you could ever imagine. Contact Exelare today to talk about your business needs and options.

Recruitment CRM

