Universal Search, Implementation Guides, Our New Logo & Upcoming Features

Bryan M. Wilson
Exelare News & Announcements
3 min readOct 16, 2013

Its been a little quiet on the blog recently, but rest assured we haven’t been sitting around twiddling our thumbs. There are a lot of big features we are working on behind the scenes that will be ready for you very shortly. We can’t wait to share them with you! In the interim, here are a few updates you might be interested in!

We Have a New Logo

If you have logged in to Exelare in the past day or two, you have probably noticed our brand new logo! Just as our software has evolved and nears its official launch, our logo too has evolved to symbolize more accurately the image we want for Exelare. We are extremely excited about the final result.

We Launched a new Beta Website!

Interest in Exelare has been skyrocketing and our old Alpha site just wasn’t doing it justice. We updated Exelare.com with a few more details about the product and a more streamlined way for clients and prospects to reach out.

Universal Search


You’ll notice a new ‘Universal Search’ box at the top of Exelare. Just type in a name, partial name, phone number, email, Job ID or Company Name and you will see a list show up below your query. Use the list to quickly jump to the record you are looking for. Its very fast and now that we’ve implemented it, its a feature we can’t live without. Give it a try!


In our last feature update, we told you about Dashboards. Those are alive and well. In fact we have been making incremental changes to the Dashboard framework so you can now drill down into results, filter by User Groups, and also save your filter criteria so the dashboards stay exactly how you like them. In addition, we now have a fully functional reports section inside of Exelare. You’ll find that reports in Exelare are much more robust than cBizOne. You can drill down in many of the reports, quickly filter and even save your criteria. Reports can be exported in to Excel Format or PDF. Reports and Dashboards will be a continual evolution with new items added to the library on an ongoing basis.

Implementations Guide & Videos

For those of you just getting started with Exelare, we have created a brand new ‘Implementations Guide & Checklist’. We hope this will help both new and existing clients better understand and manage their databases. The guide covers the basics of how to customize Exelare when you are first getting started. That being said, it can also be very useful if you are wanting to re-think your current processes and want to know the best way to set those processes up in Exelare. The guide covers things like User & Groups Management, Customizing the database, KPI Tracking, Pipeline/Status Tracking and other topics as well. There are accompanying video links for each section. Feel free to download a copy by clicking here.

Coming Up!

We have a lot of big new features coming down the line. We’ll save the specifics for subsequent blog posts, but here is a brief summary of what we are working on.

  • Synonym Lists & Search Integration
  • New “Match Candidates” feature for even more powerful search management
  • Automate Job Postings to Monster, CareerBuilder, Dice, LinkedIn, Seek, TheLadders
  • Social Job “Sharing” to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook (in addition to our RSS Feeds)
  • VMS Integration with IQN & Fieldglass
  • Much More….

