Thankful 4 You 🦃

Tomer Ben-David
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2018

Thanks to all of our users for helping us build a better financial future 💖

It’s been over a year since Exeq launched and in that time we’ve built out new features, built our brand, and have continued on our mission to help our generation #SpendBetter all with the help of our awesome users and the feedback you’ve given us.

This Thanksgiving we’ve put together all of the amazing feedback our users have given us over this past year as we set out to change the landscape of personal finance and the way we spend our money.

There’s a lot of exciting things happening on our end that we can’t wait to share but for now, we just want to say Thank YOU! to our users for using and sharing Exeq and for helping us as we build out this new future for spending.

Checkout some of the good, the bad, and the funny feedback we’ve received over the year, and if we can ask one thing — please keep it coming!

With love and thanks,

The Exeq Team 💚💲

