A Different Kind of Fame

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…”

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
2 min readJul 1, 2019


Good morning!

Do you aspire to fame or fortune?

Although we often know that neither brings lasting joy or fulfillment on their own, the ambition in our hearts nevertheless still often craves these things, and some of us are even willing to compromise our integrity to gain popularity or wealth.

Ambition often fuels the hearts of young men and women who can’t wait to “grow up” and take over the world, and I find it incredible that the book of Proverbs was written first and foremost to this specific group: the ambitious sons of a King who will one day depart and choose a son to replace him.

There are tons of amazing one-liners throughout the book of Proverbs, the King often gives certain pieces of advice that really have stood the test of time. For example, here’s a verse that I believe still stands true as timeless wisdom:

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

Money’s fun, and believe me, if credit cards didn’t have to be repaid, that’d be great; however, even with my limited life experience, I believe I can say that a good name is one of the very few things that I have seen give people continued fulfillment and joy.

Everything gets boring after a while, and even the limelight often tends to wreak havoc in the lives of Hollywood’s greatest stars, but to have a solidly good reputation means you can sleep well at night and be respected in your community. Another proverb says it this way: “The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, and a man is valued by what others say of him.”

What is the measure of a man? Well, if nothing else, then surely, his eulogy speaks louder than everything else.

On this journey towards living life to the fullest, let’s remember to do what we do with intentionality, remembering to value what matters and to keep ourselves focused on the prize.

God bless you, have a great day!

Hey, thank you so much for reading! I’ve been writing these daily messages mostly consistently since August of 2016, always free of charge. If you would like to sign up and receive them by email every weekday (sent out at around 7 AM PT if nothing goes wrong), please click here. Enjoy!

