Bucket Lists

Why should you wait 80 years before you start taking your life seriously?

Morning Texts
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2020


Good morning!

What would you do if you only had six months left to live?

I think that too often, because the topic of death is so morbid and so unappealing, we refuse to spend any time thinking about it, and just keep living our lives as if our next decade was almost guaranteed. However, I believe that when you take tomorrow for granted, you can easily lose your intentionality for today.

I tried writing a bucket list six months ago; I imagined that I would die in April of 2020, and wrote up a list of things I wanted to do before my scheduled “death date”, but then totally forgot about it, and was not even remotely intentional about doing all but two of the items I had written down. Maybe if I had actually looked at my list every week…

I realized that I needed to be far more intentional with my life as the days turn into weeks, the weeks turn into months, and pretty soon the date’s changing and you find yourself in the midst of dreams and goals unrealized, wishing that you had been more intentional with the time you had.

Listen, depending on your age, health, the risks you take, and the advancement of modern medicine, your last six months of life could’ve started five months ago or they might not start until eighty years from now; however, regardless of how long you’ve got left on this planet, I want to remind you: we all have a death sentence.

Not one of us can escape death. We can pretend it’ll never come to us and keep cruising along, but eventually, everybody’s going to reach the point where they — whether they are aware of it or not — are down to only six months left to live, and finally sober up and take their life seriously.

My point this morning is that you might have decades left to live, but that shouldn’t stop you from taking life seriously and being intentional. So, let me ask you again: If you had only six months left to live, what would you do?

Who would you forgive? Who would you apologize to? What new adventures would you go on (without jeopardizing your future)? What would you want to be remembered for?

I hope these questions are sobering and help you remember that our lives are incredibly fragile but we have been given the opportunity to intentionally spend our days however we desire.

God bless you, have a great day! (P.S. I’m free and available to pray for you, please let me know how I could best partner with you in prayer.)


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