Contending with God

In the midst of an impossible situation, the best thing you can do is contend with God until He shows you a better solution.

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
3 min readJul 16, 2019


Jacob Wrestles Angel — Lars Justina

Good morning!

Have you ever faced an impossible situation?

For the last 50 days, I have been smack-dab in the middle of a really messy situation with seemingly no good options; every suggestion from all my counselors on every side resulted with scenarios that would inflict undue pain on at least one of the two parties involved, and, belonging in both groups, I was the naturally chosen leader to navigate through the conflict with neutrality, seeing both sides but favoring none.

Although there were plenty of options that could’ve caused the conflict to end, almost all of them would’ve resulted in some serious foul play and hurt emotions on at least one side of the aisle; being as fiercely independent as I am (taking neither side), I managed to hold in there and believe in God for a new option, a different solution, one that would make everybody happy without asking either group to make a sacrifice far larger than the other side would have to.

In a sense, I got a slight taste of brokering an international diplomatic issue; as I’ve said, it’s stretched on for seven weeks at this point, with lots of time in prayer, praying and hoping and contending for a solution that could have even a slight shot at making everybody happy, but I got worn out to the point where my attitude turned Stoic, going back to c’est la vie, “It’s life,” whatever happens, happens.

And yet, in the midst of my quiet resignation to let things play out as they will, my previous weeks of contending with God paid off; one of the two groups had a slight change of heart that lined up perfectly with a seemingly stupid idea I had as a solution, and as a result, we now have a plan we can implement that will require the same amount of sacrifice from both parties and make everybody happy.

The bottom line is this: stand for what you believe in. When you are faced with an impossible problem with no good solutions, contend with God until He leads you to a solution, but do not sell yourself short, and do not let go of your morals or compromise all that you stand for. And if negotiations take a while, so what? It’s better to do things right the first time than to have to go back and clean up a mess from having made the wrong decision.

God bless you, have a great day!

Hey, thank you so much for reading! I’ve been writing these daily messages mostly consistently since August of 2016, always free of charge. If you would like to sign up and receive them by email every weekday (sent out at around 7 AM PT if nothing goes wrong), please click here. Enjoy!

