Hearty in Appreciation
Tell people you love them even if you’re not dying
Good morning!
Have you ever had a near-death experience?
While I don’t really put myself in situations with much physical danger, I do think it is at least slightly funny when people have a big scare and turn into the most grateful people overnight.
It’s as if someone flipped a switch in their hearts and all the bells went off, and all of a sudden they have a need to share their appreciation with people because they realized they might actually die any day, and they do not want their love for others to remain unspoken.
While I do think that’s great, and it makes for great comedy on TV, that shouldn’t be the default. The people around you really shouldn’t have to wait until you almost die for you to tell them how much you care about them — although this does not mean confessing your undying love to people you’ve never even had a conversation with, that’s just weird.
The people in your life need to know you care, even when you’re not in danger of death (or trying to use flattery for manipulation). I’ve been trying my best to be a lot more appreciative of my friends lately, and I have had great results with it.
If you want more fulfilling relationships, try this: “be hearty in your appreciation and lavish in your praise.” The people around you might be shocked at first, but if you keep it up, they will welcome the change, and you’ll have happier and healthier relationships, which lead to a better life.
God bless you, have a great day!